The Whitney Theatre (pictured above) will serve as the site of the Texas Cauble Family Association’s 2013 Family Reunion to be held on July 12-13.
It is located across the street from the Courthouse in Albany, Texas. Listed below is the tentative schedule of events. If you plan to stay in Albany, you can find lodging options at www.albanytexas.com.
- We will have a “pot luck dinner” Friday and the city swimming pool is open until 5:00 pm.
- After dinner George and Gale Rotan will again entertain us with their gospel and bluegrass songs and music.
- We will also have a talent contest and games for the children.
- In addition to the normal activities Saturday, we will have a silent auction of arts and crafts items.
- After a brief business meeting and the awarding of this year’s scholarship winner(s) we will have an abbreviated live auction of a few select items.
Make plans now to join us for a fun filled weekend and bring your favorite desserts and arts and craft items.