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Reunion: June 17-19, 2005

Note: This reunion has past, but we wanted to leave this information posted
for everyone to see what an exciting adventure we had in Albany, Texas!
The Texas Cauble Family Reunions are not to be missed!

The Whitney Theater in Albany, Texas will once again be the setting for this year’s Cauble-Rotan Family Reunion to be held June 17-19, 2005. From the Old Jail Art Center websiteCome and enjoy the sites in Albany that include the two story Victorian house that was home to Charles Monroe and Juriah Cauble for many years, the old Court House built in 1883, the Old Jail Art Center, The Ledbetter Pickett House, part of the official state of Texas Longhorn herd, Fort Griffin and the Fort Griffin Fandangle.From the Albany-Texas website The Fandangle tells of the settling of this area through song and dance performed by the citizens of Albany at the amphitheater at the edge of town. They will be performing both Friday and Saturday night. For tickets call 325-762-2525.

The Whitney Theater is located on main street across from the court house square. Parking is available in the back. An addition to this year’s From the Albany-Texas websitereunion will be a trip to the historic Lambshead Ranch. The ranch was started by J.A. Matthews in the 1870’s and remains in his family. The ranch is 13 miles north of Albany and participants will see the headquarters, the Dugout and the Old Stone Ranch built in 1855. The Old Stone Ranch and early life in this area was documented by Matthew’s wife Sallie Reynolds in 1876 in her book ‘Interwoven’. The trip will last approximately three hours. From the Lambshead Ranch websiteVisit their website for photos: Lambshead Ranch

With all this planned there will still be time to sit and visit, tell stories and view scrapbooks, pictures, etc, and enjoy the things most people like about family reunion. We are expecting several family members who will be attending their first reunion and you will surely want to meet them, so make your plans now.

Lunch Saturday will be catered by Bill Cauble and by special request the menu will include his ‘Green Beans’ in addition to meat, bread, salad and drinks.Bill Cauble's Green beansEveryone that wears last year’s Reunion T-Shirt will receive a $2.00 discount on the meal. A few shirts are still available for $6.00 each for those wanting to take advantage of the discount. The shirts will be available at the reunion and they are also listed on our website. We will still have our dessert contest, so bring your favorite or make two and sell one in the auction. Prizes will be awarded for the top three desserts. Bill will also have his cookbook ‘Barbeque, Biscuits and Beans’ available for signing.

Rooms in Albany are limited but they do have two motels and a RV Campground. Reservation can be made at 1-888-525-2269. Abilene is 35 miles away and has most of the familiar motels and hotels. For more information about the local area and accommodations go to: Albany, Texas Online

Business Meeting

We will be discussing and voting on the following items:

  1. Adding Webmaster to the list of Association Officers.
  2. Setting up a family support fund ‘Barn Raising Fund’ and electing an oversight committee.
  3. Setting up a Scholarship Fund in Memory of Todd Christmas’ and oversight committee.
  4. Selecting the site of next year’s reunion and reunion host.

There will be an arts/craft auction after the business meeting to fund our new projects and support the association so bring an item or two and join in the fun. 

Calendar of Events

Friday June 16
2:00pm Early Registration and visiting

Saturday June 17
9:00am Registration, viewing scrapbooks, visiting
11:30am Welcome by James Cauble, President
12:00am-Lunch Prayer by Don Cauble, Chaplain
1:00pm Business Meeting, James Cauble presiding

        Minutes of Last Meeting, Connie Waller, Secretary


        Treasure Report, Gwen Chick, Treasurer


        Old Business


        New Business


        Remembering Those Who Have Died, Julia Smith, Registrar


        Announce Winners of Dessert Contest, Jessie Pendergrass


        Recognize Special Guest, Dan Chick, Vice President


      Adjourn Meeting

2:30pm Auction, Dan Chick, Vice President
3:30pm Tour Old Cauble House, Lambshead Ranch

Note: The Whitney Theater will remain open nightly to those wanting to visit and enjoy kin.

Sunday June 19
8:00am Coffee, Rolls, Juice and short service.