Get their Chicken Fried Steak Recipe
‘Texas Hot Chefs’ breaks out of the mold a bit with Bill Cauble and Cliff Teinert. Unlike most featured chefs, neither of these gentlemen presently owns a restaurant. Yet either individually or together they have prepared great meals for one Mexican and two U.S. presidents, one First Lady, one Thai Queen, and an array of ranching aristocracy. That’s an impressive resume that few chefs can hope to match.
Where Cauble and Teinert have an advantage over restaurant chefs is that they’re cowboy cooks. Their primary kitchen is a portable one the chuck wagon and their clientele knows what it wants — great tasting meals centered around beef.
Sometimes, they’re cooking on Texas rangeland; other times they’re far away from Texas like at the presidential retreat of Camp David where in the 1980s Teinert prepared a meal for Mexican President Jose Lopez Portillo, President Ronald Reagan and future President George H.W. Bush. And at least once a year Cauble and Teinert cook for internationally recognized events such as the Chuck Wagon Gathering at the National Cowboy Museum and Western Heritage Center in Oklahoma City.
Consumers now can enjoy their unique, delicious style of cooking through their recent collaborative cookbook ‘Barbecue, Biscuits & Beans‘ published by Bright Sky Press of Albany, Texas, and New York, N.Y. To purchase copies, visit the publisher’s web site at www.BrightSkyPress.com or call toll-free 1-866-933-6133. [continue reading…]